Wednesday, January 26, 2011

everyday see u in school.. playing with your bestfriend.. but i know u are lonely sometimes.. we study in different classes, saying about different story, wearing different colour PJ shirt, argue everytime when problem are not solved between u and me... isit something wrong between u and me? whoa..

i wont forget what u did to me last time.. although we argue a lot and i stop talking to u.. but u always think what u do and say is right! u doesn't care about me! it really hurts.. u dun noe how i feel.. uhh.. is such a PAIN!!! anyway.. dun feel like talking about u now.. Zzz..

Meet new "THINGS" in school.. AIK TZE and MELANIE knows this~~ haha! its really AWESOME!! woots.. haha! whatever.. "X" help me a lot when i m in trouble~ trying to step into a new relation world.. XD